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Product Development

  • Intelligent and careful sourcing and product development is a key fundamental in achieving the required results and meeting customer’s requirements.
  • Prolink has sourced and developed thousands of products since its inception. Product ranges include Appliances, Whiteware, Consumer Electronics, TVs’s, Techonology, Power and Garden Tools, Homewares as well as Promotional and Seasonal products.
  • Over many years Prolink has built up strong relationships with key manufacturers in Asia with a wide range of expertise.
  • Prolink has a joint venture office in HK that can quickly and effectively engage and liaise with factories in Asia.
  • Key Prolink staff frequently visit factories and attend major international trade shows ensuring Prolink is well placed to source and develop the latest products and trends.
  • Prolink also has formal relationships with two international Import/Export companies providing additional product opportunities.
  • Using our extensive knowledge and contact base in Asia, Prolink can competitively develop products and ranges to suit any requirement.